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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, dear reader! We wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true.

We have some good news today. The game is now at the beta stage. Some new art (not much) must be done and put in there, we also have to rewrite some scenes. Sylenth is also coding pretty visual stuff like transitions, little animations, dust and sparkles in the air, etc.
We now have to just check and redo some things, test the game itself and then the demo will be released. And that means you'll see it in the next report. But it probably will be delayed a little, since we have exams in January. We can't wait for the full demo too, so we'll get it done as soon as possible!

Once again - Happy Holidays! Here's a cute artwork from Sylenth to you  (not as creepy as usual stuff we put here). Well... Maybe just a little.

Throw a snowball: